Want to become a world-class freelancer?

How to Earn More on Upwork – Great CoachLancer Case Studies and The Hall of Fame

Do you want to learn how to earn more on Upwork? See how these talented freelancers got started and yanked up their rates on the world’s most competitive freelancer marketplace with the help of CoachLancer. Here is our Hall of Fame of the most impressive success story so far!

Nothing is impossible when you have the right approach!

No 1. Coachee: Rafael Barreto-Garcia’s insane starting rates on Upwork

Can you believe some people can start on Upwork with an hourly rate of $99? Check out how Rafael Barreto-Garcia did it! He’s got the coolest Upwork kickstart with just a little help from CoachLancer!

Rafael Barreto-Garcia's insane start on Upwork

Rafael shows how a solid professional can start with serious rates even with $0 earnings.

Rafael had already started on Upwork on his own with a small gig worth about $20… which is a common thing to do just to test the platform out and get the first 5-star review.

But that’s not the best approach when you already have the skills of the world. In fact, that approach can become a limiting factor!

Knowing that Rafael has a unique competence profile and plenty of international experience, got law degrees from 3 different countries, knows 6 languages, etc. all indicating true world-class competence, the advice from CoachLancer was this:

“Refund that $20 job. It will drag you down and with your experience, you can start from a much higher level even from zero.”

We had a call, worked on his profile by rapid email exchange, and finalized the first really good version and a clear niche in one calendar week. We were sure we could find out how to earn more on Upwork early on.

2 days later, he got his first job worth $300. That’s 15X the initial $20 gig!

The second job came soon after… with a $99/h rate accepted by the client without any questions!

That was in August 2022. As the all-time fastest coachee, he’s earned more than $100,000 in 10 months and received a Top Rated Plus badge!

At the time of updating this, September 2023, his latest rates were around $349/h which is totally insane, right?

There’s no stopping Rafael now, he’ll rule his legal niche on Upwork for years to come!

Want to achieve something similar?

Take a look at the TESTIMONIALS of impact on the global freelancing community! And see what CoachLancer can do for you if you want to earn more on Upwork:

Become a CoachLancer member and get mentored by Dr. Mike whose hourly rates on Upwork reached 3-digit figures ages ago.

Refuse to work for peanuts, go straight for coconuts!

CoachLancer is here to help you make it happen!

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