Getting the right kinds of clients early on is the key to success on Upwork. Many newbies fall into their own traps by low-balling just to get good ratings, but…
Freelancer Profile Writing 101 showed you how to grasp the basics of profile writing and create yourself a compelling title with the right keywords and the message. Now, let’s dig…
Foreword by Dr. Mike When I first got this surprise message from Alfie Grace, a fellow freelancer specializing in data science, I loved his idea from the start! I thought…
Running your own freelance business is one of the coolest things you can do in 2021. Unfortunately, many leave their day jobs with false hopes and unrealistic expectations. Lots of…
In May 2014 I founded my one-man show called Improventions as my personal launch pad for finding great entrepreneurs to work with and help them develop the core software for…
One of the toughest parts of running a freelance business is the lack of stability of income. Many find this a show-stopper during the first years. Some prevail for a…
Many have asked me why I rejected the academic career that I had and went forward with my crazy coconut-filled freelance thing. I had spent two 6-month periods at the…
There are two main approaches to doing your freelance business. Location-based in the physical environment (offline) or online purely digitally. By online freelancing, I mean the type of work that…
There are many ways to find paying customers for your freelance business. Some depend on what type of work you do as a freelancer, others work out pretty well regardless…
Lots of people would like to dump the day job and go freelance for the obvious reasons: flexibility of working whenever and wherever, choosing the assignments, and so on. Many…