Freelancers work alone… not! Quite the opposite! Actually, I think, only the starting ones and the unsuccessful ones do. There are loads of upsides to networking as a freelancer, connecting…
It was the first quarter of the year 2022 when things blew up on Upwork. Masses of scam job posts, loads of requests for removing them from the platform, and…
Freelancing at an early career stage produces additional challenges. Most obviously, the biggest challenge is growth, both in professional competence and as a business. As a fresh graduate, for instance,…
It’s 2022 and we are all used to remote work for the reason we all know too well by now. The Great Resignation got so many people wondering whether or…
‘Solopreneur’ is a somewhat new term that is derived from ‘solo entrepreneur,’ i.e. a person who conducts business solo. The concept is fundamentally different from that of a ‘freelancer’ which…
I’ve been posting loads of freelancing tips and Upwork-specific success strategies that are not found on this site. As becoming a freelancer on Upwork and reaching the state that brings…
There are good ways and there are bad ways to communicate with clients on Upwork. Many are simply ineffective. It is essential to know how to communicate on Upwork in…
Scope creep is a famous expression for the situation many freelancers find themselves in: the client asks for more work without offering more money. One of the must-have skills of…
The expression “race to the bottom” coined by Louis Brandeis generally means that someone is trying to undercut competitors with a lower price for the same product or service. Although…
One of the most significant issues freelancers face is the challenge of marketing one’s services efficiently. I realized this recently when checking the results of my Freelancer Friday Poll 070,…