Want to become a world-class freelancer?

15 Best Freelancing Memes

Freelancing? Good. Do people assume ‘free’ in ‘freelancer’ means you don’t need to be paid? Yep, standard stuff. Did people laugh at your (lack of) ambition? Yeah, they do that. Do freelancers celebrate Labor Day? Nah, they don’t count as labor. Did you wear any pants to “work” today? Heh, me neither!

You’ve probably heard it all, but there’s a fair chance you haven’t yet seen everything. Here are the best freelancing memes found on the net. [Source: The internet]

Watch out!

Freelancing IS a job!

Really, it is. Try for yourself if you don’t believe it. Try to draw every penny you need to pay your bills from the global markets and tell me how long you lasted. Yeah, it gets hard when everyone else seems successful and you’re not. It takes a lot of learning before you get anywhere at all—like landing your first genuine client. No, not your neighbor who “bought” from you out of pity, a real one. The kind of client you didn’t know before and who happened to need you in particular to do something for money. Real money!

Not sure if freelancer (Futurama meme)

While some might mistake freelancers for unemployed, the reality is that most freelancers probably work much harder than an average Joe doing his 9-to-5 job. And for those with day jobs, freelancing might seem glamorous until you actually try it. The career of going solo is a tough one. Most who try cannot make it work as a career.

Freelancing vs 9-to-5 job (girlfriend meme)

You know, it’s the total lack of bosses (and no, clients are not bosses because you can fire your clients whenever you want) that seems alluring to many. Plus, you can keep all the money you make! Well, taxes excluded…

Best freelancing memes: Obama giving a raise to Obama

Then again, some might think that asking a freelancer they know to get a small **tty job done is a great idea because you don’t actually need to pay them. They’ll do it for free to get exposure or experience. Or if you do have to pay them, they’ll settle for peanuts.

Working for free (laughing kid meme)

Some use the expression “freelancer attitude” to describe those who never care about deadlines, come and go as they please during a project, and seem all too relaxed in meetings. It’s never the job that gets prioritized.

Dog in a fire meme

On the other hand, doing the exact opposite is what all successful freelancers excel at.

Prices and pricing

On freelance sites, you can get “great” job done cheap, right? Well, pick one: great or cheap. Can’t have both. Ask anyone to do anything for you for a fiver, expect something amazing, and disappoint yourself. Then, of course, blame the freelancer for being bad and write a page-long 1-star review as your revenge!

$5 logo design (Star Trek Picard meme)

It’s the cost-oriented nature of those freelance sites that kill the low-ballers. The good ones remain in their own class and charge hundreds of dollars per hour—upfront!

Drowning meme

The phrase “race to the bottom” is never as clear as in this picture!

There's always someone cheaper meme

Freelancing is something many noobs try until they realize they should probably first acquire some serious skills and then try freelancing. Doing it the other way around is a suicidal strategy.

Interestingly, it’s those noobs who approach you on social media, send a pitch slap at your face, and ask “Hello Sir, do you have a job for me?”

Facebook group toilet analogy meme

Somehow, I never happen to have jobs for those guys.

Client issues and issue clients

The best part of freelancing, of course, is that you get to work with wonderful people around the globe. It’s so thrilling. Some of them have incredibly realistic expectations that are usually mentioned only after the contract has started. Obviously, at that point, the freelancer cannot say ‘no’ because of the fear of a bad review.

Done tomorrow meme

If only they managed to pay you what the work is worth. Many times, they don’t.

Getting paid (Star Wars meme)

Saying a firm ‘no’ is one of the first things you must learn when Shoppers and all other kinds of bad clients ask you for discounts. The good thing is, though, that you learn to recognize those types really fast!

Saying 'no' to discounts (Bugs Bunny meme)

Also, your clients might be talented at keeping schedules. Especially payment schedules. Not.

Honesty meme

Sometimes it may take a while to see the actual money but never lose hope. The client has seen your invoice. Just not paying it yet, because… “Hahahah!”

Freelancer waiting for payment (Skeleton meme)

Fortunately, there’s always support coming from seniors in case things end badly. Well, at least someone might listen to your sob story if nothing else.

First time? (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs meme)

Best freelancing memes: Your turn

Entertaining? I hope so. If you think this didn’t cover all the best freelancing memes you knew about, let me know on LinkedIn. Let’s make freelancing more fun together!

Dr. Mike

Mikko J. Rissanen, Ph.D., a.k.a. Dr. Mike, is an accomplished solopreneur living in a tropical paradise, inventing cool tech and coding from his beach office... and eating coconuts all day, every day. He has been running his one-man show in Penang, Malaysia, since 2014 until he moved the business to the United States as I2 Network in 2021. He is one of the most highly paid freelancers on Upwork and he has been supporting hundreds of starting freelancers since 2017. Follow his latest tips on LinkedIn or seek his personal guidance as a CoachLancer member!

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