Want to become a world-class freelancer?

CoachLancer Members

CoachLancer Membership is where seniority meets flexibility and financial freedom!

Discover how senior professionals can dump their corporate lives and become free to reach their true potential.


Work with me toward becoming an elite freelancer by using your best skills as the foundation for your new career as an independent professional.

This is how it works:

Roadmap to becoming an Elite Freelancer as a CoachLancer member


Step 1: Absorb knowledge (several hours)

This is the easiest step. Utilize my 10 years of freelancing experience by absorbing everything I know about the theory.

GET MY E-BOOK ‘Go Straight for Coconuts, Part 1: How to Start Freelancing Without Ever Working for Peanuts’ and read it through with care.

You will learn how to avoid making the most common mistakes and how freelance sites can be used to build a new brilliant career.

Even if you don’t get past the next step, you’re better equipped to top the game than 99% of all others.


Step 2: Test readiness (10 minutes)

A readiness test is required before proceeding any further. The test evaluates:

  1. Your professional experience level
  2. Your personal qualities
  3. Your knowledge absorbed in Step 1


Upon a successful application, you will be called for an introductory call.

(PLEASE NOTE: As I assess every application personally, I am not able to send rejection emails due to time constraints. Apologies in advance, it’s just not feasible.)


Step 3: Practice under supervision (1 week)

This is where we set you up as a CoachLancer Member. We will have several coaching calls and communications to:

  1. Decide your niche
  2. Create and optimize your profile
  3. Find perfect jobs you can target
  4. Practice proposal-writing
  5. Prepare for interviews

Without doing any freelance work yet, we prepare everything for landing great jobs from the start.

This way, you never need to work for peanuts like almost everyone else, not even in the beginning.


Step 4: Go for coconuts (some months)

Now we dive in! You’re doing it, and you’re doing it for real! While you get your first gigs, we will have:

  1. Follow-up calls
  2. Q&A by email

Together we shall deal with every surprise that might have come along and optimize every step of your process of getting clients.

If you’re doing your part right, you’re now going straight for coconuts just like I did without ever working for peanuts.

I’ll follow up and continue coaching until you no longer need me.


Steps 1—2 are free besides the cost of the e-book (which is peanuts).

For Steps 3—4 there are 2 options. I will walk you through them during the introductory call and explain how the path toward coconuts will probably play out in your case based on the results of the readiness test.


Check out what others have achieved with CoachLancer!





(If you’ve signed up as a member or renewed your membership before June 2024, your old membership benefits will remain available until the next renewal.)








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